Tag Archives: contest

4th of July Challenge Winner


Jan won the 4th of July red, white & blue challenge.  Jan really did have a total kitchen make-over from top to bottom.  She now has a new, modern kitchen that looks very old-fashioned with white cabinets, deep red walls and lots of counter space.  Some of her favorite dishes are Fiesta Ware in various colors including a wonderful cobalt blue .   Jan’s organizing projects are very patriotic.  She completed many more than  4 projects in 7 days.  Congratulations, Jan and enjoy your Persimmon Hill Farm Berry Cookbook.

A big thank you to all of you who participated in the challenge.  I know that many of you completed projects but did not comment about what you did.  You should be very proud of yourselves.   

 “Each organizing project completed is one less decision you have to make.”

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Filed under Contests

4th of July Challenge

Happy 4th of July!   

In honor of our nation’s Independence Day,  plan to complete   4   organizing projects in the next  7   days.   The projects can be big or small.  They need to be something that will improve your space, add some free time to your day or just make you feel better. 

 Your challenge for the each project is to organize things or a space  that are red, white or blue.  Everything in the project doesn’t have to be one of these colors but must include at least 4-7 items that are. 

Here is an example of one of my projects. 

Cobalt Blue Glass on Window Sill


I love cobalt blue glass and usually have several pieces on my kitchen window sill.    Kitchen sills tend to collect dust and grime.  (Yuck!!!)  I took everything off the sill and  washed  it all in hot, soapy water.  The sill and glass are clean, shiny and even more enjoyable to see.  The best part of this project is that it took less than 10 minutes. 
  Project #1 completed and only three more to go.
When you finish your projects post what you did here.  The deadline for submitting posts is Sunday July 11, 2010.    I will draw a winner from  all the posts.   The prize is a copy of  “The Persimmon Hill Farm Berry Cookbook“.  This cookbook is full of delicious recipes for blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.   If you want tempting new recipes for summer enjoyment, this is the contest to enter.
  What a way to celebrate the 4th of July, Summer and a bit more organization in your life!


Filed under Organizing