Tag Archives: discard

Too Much Stuff


As odd as it may sound,  people develop relationships with their stuff.

  Your favorite  Aunty Sue gave you that worn out coffee maker 10 years ago and it reminds you of her. You bought those shoes  in the 90’s and loved them.  Now you never wear them but you keep them because they cost a lot.  It doesn’t  matter what the stuff is, it takes up space and creates clutter.  The more stuff we keep and the more stuff we add to the collection the less we can enjoy.   Stuff weighs on our minds and stuff  literally weighs on the space we live in.  Stuff is in our way and can hold us back.  But . . . it is ours and we love our stuff.  We think we have good reasons for keeping it.

Getting rid of stuff is scary and hard to do.  Lots of people want to gain control of their spaces but don’t know where to begin.   I often get calls from prospective clients who need help but are afraid I will make them throw everything away.  They think this is what professional organizers do.

Major Misconception #1

I absolutely will not force you to throw anything away.  I will lead you through the process of deciding what to keep and what to discard.  As we work together you will learn to apply the decision-making process yourself.  It will make it easier for you to let go of things you no longer need.  The decision-making process will also help you decide what to do with discarded items.  Some items can be sold, some can be donated or recycled and some just need to be trashed.  YOU make the decision.

As a professional organizer, my job is to help you learn how to change your space.  By changing  your space you reduce stress,  increase productivity and enjoy the people and things in your life.

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